Tuesday, November 22, 2016

P.E blog post

Hey guys welcome back today I am going to be blogging about P.E. In this blog post you will learn about about things we do in P.E what groups we have in P.E and lots more. So that is the intro hope you liked it and lets get onto the actual blog post.

So in P.E we all are in groups and the groups are Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic I am in Atlantic and our group is kind of small. When you are being silly or you don't remember what group your in the teachers will put you in a different group. for example I was in Pacific but I couldn't remember what group I was in so they put me in Atlantic. Sometimes I wish I was in a different group because the activitys are hard and sometimes it takes me a while to get used to the activity but I will get the hang of it.

So in P.E we do lots of activities some of the activities we did are the Olympics, rugby, soccer and volleyball. The Olympics was a P.E activity when you have a little group and your team name has to be a country my country name was Portugal. Then we have some competitions and if you are not having a competition then you practice some skills. And then if you lose you go and practice another sport. And the rest of the activitys are big ball activitys.

OK! So now I am going to be telling you what I learnt during P.E...

  1. I learnt how to play soccer with Mrs. Love.
  2. I learnt how to play rugby with Mr.M.
  3. I learnt how to play volleyball with Mrs.Carr.
  4. I learnt how to play basketball with Mrs. Love, Mr.M and Mrs.Carr.
  5. I learnt how to play a little bit of handball.
  6. I learnt how to play capture the flag with Mrs. Love
  7. I learnt how to play the rock paper scissors game with Mrs. Bassset.
So here is my P.E reflection hope you like it... 

PE/Athletics reflection

Choose 5 questions to answer with ADDED DETAIL and GOOD THINKING. Delete the questions you have not answered.

  1. What was your favourite event at athletics day? Explain My favourite event at the athletics day was the 200m run because it was not to long and not to short. But I also came 3rd so I was very happy with myself.
  2. Who is an athletics role model for you? Explain. Caitlyn because she tries lots of things.
  1. What was your best performance at Athletics day? Explain The 200m run because I tried my personal best and came 3rd place. I also ran really fast and enjoyed running.
  2. What was your proudest moment at Athletics Day? Explain. When I did the 100m run and I came 3rd and made it to the semifinals and then in the finals I came 4th or 5th.
  3. Set yourself a goal for the Interschools/next year’s Athletics Day. To try everything and do my hardest in every event.

And last but not least here is some of my photos...

Here is me jumping.
Here is me running.
Here is me throwing.

So that was my blog post hope you enjoyed because I really enjoyed it and I did my absolute personal best. And please write a comment if you liked my blog post.        



  1. Your Blog post was amazing Rain!!!
    All your blog post's are awesome!!! ;)

  2. By the sounds of it you learnt lots of things! Also you must of felt very proud of yourself when you came 3rd in your race! Congratulations and it sounds like you had fun!

  3. wow Rain I really enjoyed your P.E blog because I like how you said I learnt because you learnt new things like a little bit of hand ball and soccer basketball catcher the flag and some other stuff like that I really liked that and I really like the pics to.

  4. Wow it looks like you really enjoyed P.E blog post because it is really cool well done.
    I also like tthe pic to the are really creative well done Rain it is very cool.

  5. wow done rainbow

  6. wow rain you must be very fit
