Friday, September 23, 2016


Hello my name is Rain and today I am going to be blogging about my PBL. PBL stands for project based learning. We have to do our PBL about something in the Olympics. In this blog post I will have my PBL reflection. so that was my intro. hope you enjoy.

This is my Project. it is about world athletes. I chose to do it about world athletes because I wanted to try something different. I decided to present my project in a poster. There were some hard questions that I could not answer and without the facts it would of been really hard to complete my project. I really liked how my poster turned out I think it looked really cool.

My favourite part was decorating and I really liked how I decorated the title because at the end it looked really cool. My second favourite part was writing down the facts because I really like writing. And my least favourite part was coloring in because I couldn't find the correct colors. the most challenging part was getting my facts right and completing my project.

When I was doing my PBL reflection my favourite part was creating a description of my project. My second favourite part was finishing off the sentence starters because it was challenging and I love challenging stuff. The most challenging part was completing my PBL reflection because there were lots of things that I did not know and that made it harder to complete.

Project Topic: world athletes

Photo/Screenshot of Project (insert below)


Finish these starters:
  • Something I enjoyed about my project was making it and decorating.          Because when I was decorating and making my project I liked it and it was just really fun.

  • The most challenging thing about my project was getting my facts right and completing my project. Because when I searched up what fact I wanted to know the answer wasn’t there and it was a challenge to get it finished without facts.

  • The main skill I got better at was perseverance and independence.  I got better at it by working by myself and when I made mistakes I would try to fix it up.

  • Something interesting I learnt was the most known athlete is Cristiano Ronaldo                         

  • What I would most like to change about my project is the topic because it was super hard but I still think that I liked it

  • I would like to do my next PBL about gymnastics

Choose three learning muscles and explain how you used them during your PBL.
Perseverance when I got stuck I would use my perseverance muscle
Interdependence when I have already used my perseverance muscle but I am still stuck I would ask someone to help me.
Absorption by getting focused in my work a lot

Create a Description of Your Project
This needs to have either video or audio. You can use any app you like. Include a link here. You will embed it as part of your Reflection PBL Blog Post.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Art

Hi as you probably know my name is Rain and today I am going to be blogging about my art. This blog post is going to be a bit different because I will be persuading my art. I have chose to write about my art is because it is part of our learning tasks and I thought it would be really cool if I blogged my art. So that was my intro hope you like it and....

Are your walls looking blank? Are you wondering what is a great gift? Well introducing the new  ART PACK. It comes with a beautiful piece of art. But wait there is  more buy one get one free. And if you like you can 3 more free. But wait there are more you can get then just a calendar you can get

  • Calendar $10
  • Cards $12
  • Diary $15
  • Notepad $12       
 And if you want more you can buy an extra pack it comes with Coloring in pencils, a coloring pad, envelopes for the cards, a gift box if this is for a present and heaps more just for $49. 
Here is the art that you are buying


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My colour poem

My color poem
   Hello and welcome back to my blog. My name is Rain and today I will be blogging about my coluor poem. I have chosen to blog bout my color poem because I worked so hard on it and I really really wanted to share it on my blog post. 

My favourite would be the 7th one because I tried my hardest to think of one. The 3 most important things you need in your color poem is a verb, a adverb and there was one more I couldn't remember. I chose the colour pink because there are lots of thing that are pink and I do not use pink in lots of things but I also chose it because my friend gave me an idea of a colour because I didn't know what color to do. For the colour poem you had to write down a sentence that had the three important things in it. If you would like an example here is a photo of my color poem.

Pink is the color of…….

  1. Pink is the color of a heart slowly beating in our body.
  2. Pink is the color of paint gently getting stroked on a wall.   
  3. Pink is the color of a flamingo patiently standing on one foot.
  4. Pink is the color of a pencil case sitting on the floor openly.    
  5. Pink is the color of a T-shirt sitting in the wardrobe all lonely.
  6. Pink is the color  of sock stuck to my feet sweaty and smelly.
7. Pink is the color of a worm slowly slithering around the cold floor.

So I hope you enjoyed I will see you a next time BYE

Our Learning Muscles

Our learning muscles
Hi guys welcome back to my blog. Today I will be blogging about our learning muscles. In this blog post you will learn lots of different things like what learning muscles are, how many learning muscles are there and lots more. I have chosen to do this blog post because we have been learning lots about learning muscles and I have been using them a lot.

In rimu we have been learning about learning muscles. Learning muscles are 17 different muscles in your brain. You use them for lots of different things. I use our learning muscles in learning task time, during home time and in lots more places.

The learning muscles or have different group known as Resilience, Reciprocity, Resourcefulness and Reflectiveness. Resilience means to be ready, willing and also to be able to get focused on your learning. Reciprocity means being ready, willing and able to learn alone but still be with others.  Resourcefulness means being ready,willing and able to learn in lots of different ways. Reflectiveness means being ready willing and able to be more strategic about your learning. The learning muscles are really helpful and sometimes you don't even know that you have been using your learning muscles.

 Now here is what the learning muscles are called. In Resilience there is Managing distractions, absorption, perseverance, noticing meaning. In Reciprocity there is imitation, interdependence, collaboration, empathy and listening. Then in  Resourcefulness there is capitalizing, reasoning, imagining, questioning and making links. And last but not least in Reflectiveness there is Distilling, meta-learning, revising and planning.